Before Searching for a Low APR Credit Card ~ Low APR Credit Card Reviews and News

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Before Searching for a Low APR Credit Card

Before you begin to search for a new Low APR credit card there are very important details you need to look for.

- Will the low APR credit card rate expire?
- If so, what will be the new APR rate?

- Does the new Low APR credit card participate in Universal Default?
- If you do not know what this is, then do a search for it... you will be surprised.

- When you pay the low APR credit card payment late, will the APR jump to 25%?

- Does the low APR credit card have a yearly fee you will have to pay?

Those are just a fee of the details you will need to pay close attention to while searching for a low APR credit card. Check back tomorrow for more details on a low APR credit card offer.

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